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Harvest the good stuff!

Fun fact: Our built in negativity bias will naturally log the negative over the positive as noticing danger will always take precedence to ensure we survive. When this system functions well, it prompts us into action when necessary (fight, flight or freeze) and, it leaves us to relax, repair, heal, replenish, be creative, flexible, happy and healthy when there is no further action required.

Unfortunately, modern day living does not fit very well with our ancient survival system as the stressors of modern day life; the computer crashing, missing that deadline, the dog peeing on the carpet are a far cry from the life threatening situations we have had to deal throughout our evolution. As a result we become hyper vigilant and, along with sapping the joy out of life and suppressing our immune systems, this blunts our judgement as to whether the wolf really is at the door. It's stands to reason that the remedy for being in the negative habit is to consciously turn our attention to noticing the good stuff. However, the key to doing this successfully and turning off the 'false alarms' that come with modern day living is to make sure that good thoughts and facts become body felt experiences.

Let's harvest the good

Studies have shown that by regularly taking 30 seconds to breathe deeply and to consciously receive a good moment raises our happiness set point. It also boosts our immunity, strengthens our ability to problem solve and enhances our awareness of the positive things that often go unnoticed when the stress response is in action. This simple technique of pausing, breathing and receiving turns good thoughts and experiences into facts that sink into the whole of our being. Having a positive effect on our subconscious beliefs, attitudes and expectations.

And we don’t have to wait for the WOW factor, although those moments are great too! Pausing to acknowledge ourselves when we finish that small task of washing up, sending that email, taking a break and enjoying that cup of tea or listening to the birds can serve to build a strong foundation for our wellbeing.

Right now we are at the end of the summer, the time in the wheel of the year when we harvest what we have sewn, harvest festivals in cultures all over the world highlight the importance of reaping consciously and giving thanks. In our day to day lives we can be reminded that if we want potatoes we don’t plant old socks (not one of my best I know, but I am guessing you know what I mean.)

As each part of a cycle feeds the next what we harvest sets the precedence for the stage of the letting go that follows. When we harvest well we have the support, strength, and resilience to see clearly and shed that which no longer serves us making fresh space for new habits, beliefs, adventures and stages yet to be experienced. Join us in this months natures rhythms update as we deeply explore this phase and look at practical steps to take the good deep into your habit field.

As each part of a cycle feeds the next what we harvest sets the precedence for the stage of the letting go that follows. When we harvest well we have the support, strength, and resilience to see clearly and shed that which no longer serves us making fresh space for new habits, beliefs, adventures and stages yet to be experienced. Join us in this months natures rhythms update as we deeply explore this phase and look at practical steps to take the good deep into your habit field.

So, take the pearls of wisdom that nature has to offer receive the good things in life. Celebrate your creations big and small!

Happy harvest! 🍇🌽

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