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A time for action - Spring has sprung šŸ°šŸŒ·

Happy Spring Equinox!

Iā€™m feeling inspired and refreshed having just finished planning our next 21 day experiment - ACT: Wake up and Roar that is due to start this Tuesday 22nd March inside the A Handpicked Life Membership. This experiment is designed to get you in the habit of wiping the slate clean regularly, refreshing your mind and energising your body so you stay awake to the choices you make on a daily basis. The moment by moment choices that create the tapestry of your life story.

When life is fast paced, full of information, overloaded with 'to do' lists it is easy to slip into auto pilot and go about our lives just getting through another day/week/month... sometimes years, feeling like a cork in a stream heading exactly where we don't want to go. Not quite getting round to living in a way we want to live and being who we want to be. And yet somehow that vision however faded keeps tapping us on the shoulder and staying within view no matter how much we are washed in another direction.

Whether you are raring to go or feeling a little sluggish from the stillness of winter a short daily practice is a great habit to get into as it is a chance to switch off the auto pilot, be aware of how we are living and to connect you to your deepest desires for your life. During Wake up and roar we will work with the main organs that relate to this time of year (liver and gallbladder) to shift any stagnant energy and get ourselves up enthused and up and running. In our new moon coaching call in April we will fine tune and direct this energy to support our intentions.

Whether you choose to use it to strengthen your boundaries on self care, deepen your intuition, get that project off the ground, commit to that new habit/ behaviour/ hobby/ relationship the essence of this season is assertive action.

Just ask yourselfā€¦How you are going to spend the next 12 months. Where do you want to be in March 2023? What is the essence of what you would like to experience? How do you want to feel? What kind of a world do you want to be living in. Then ask yourself what actions can I take to create this? And remember, it doesn't have to be difficult or overwhelming. Small persistent steps go a long way. One of my favourite sayings form Chinese philosophy sums it up:

"If you put a piece of paper down every day, at the end of the year you have a board you cannot break."

In this time of turbulence and uncertainty we are being called upon to engage fully in the process of our lives to direct our energy in a way that serves our dreams and goals and creates a world that thrives and serves everyone.

The doors to our membership are open once more, so join us this Spring and lets make it happen together!

About The 21 Day Experiment

The 21 Day Experiment is a daily practice framework of short somatic sessions with extra, optional practices in the form of our weekly classes that you can add in along the way to deepen your experience.

Whether you are joining us live or you are working through the recorded sessions, we encourage you to make a commitment to show up for yourself for just 15 minutes each day for the next 21 days to really feel the shifts for yourself. - Did you know it takes 21 days of repetition to create a new habit?

The live program will run over 21 days inside the A Handpicked Life Membership starting Tuesday 22nd March. Here's what's included:

  • Your Daily Practice - A 15 minute daily somatic practice @ 7:30am each day. If you can't join live, its not a problem! Replays will be added to the library after the live session each day.

  • 6 x 1 hour long classes (optional) - An opportunity to dive even deeper into somatic practices and to keep in your toolkit whenever you need a reset. Twice weekly on Tuesdays & Fridays @ 7:30am. If you can't join live, its not a problem! Replays will be added to the library after the live session each day.

If you would like to join us, simply sign up to the A Handpicked Life Membership and get stuck in!

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